1.1 Where does the software store my statement details?
The software asks you to provide a filename to store your statement details in, and then creates a single file with the extension .hdat. Throughout the documentation we refer to this type of file as a workbook and in most cases you will only need one to store all your credit cards in (however there are no limits to the number of workbooks you can set up). We recommend you store your workbook in the same directory you store your other personal and financial information so you can backup it up regularly.
The location of the current workbook you are using is displayed in the title of the software at the top of the screen. For example, if you are using the Sample workbook on a Windows system, the software title will show the location:
C:\Program Files\HomeCreditCardManagerLite\samples\sample.hdat
1.2 Can I import the transactions available from my Internet banking site?
Yes - The software has an import wizard that lets you import transactions you download from your Internet banking site, allowing you to load months of credit card details in minutes. The software also allows you to type in your credit card details manually if you don't use an Internet banking site, or if you don't have access to your oldest statements in electronic format.
1.3 Does the software need my Internet banking account number and password?
No - For security reasons we have designed the software so that it does not access your Internet banking site, and therefore it does not require your login account number or password. Instead it relies on you visiting your Internet banking site as you would normally, downloading your transactions onto your computer hard disk (usually in .CSV format), and then getting the software to import the transactions from your hard disk.
1.4 What is a Registration Key?
A Registration Key is a unique code that comes with the software and allows you to unlock it. When you receive your Registration Key all you have to do is enter it into the software and activate it.
1.5 Can I use the software on more than one computer?
Yes - We have a fair-use policy that allows you to install the software on all the computers you use to manage your personal finances. For example, you can install the software on your home PC, a laptop and your office computer (if appropriate).
2.1 What is the recommended screen resolution?
We recommend a screen resolution of approximately 1024x768 or greater.
If you are using a smaller screen resolution (eg 800x600) then you may find that several of the buttons do not fit on the screen. Please refer to How do I free up some space on my screen? to fix the problem. Alternatively, you can use the pop-up menus (by right clicking within the screen) in order to access the same options. For example, right clicking in the Accounts view will bring up a menu with the options to Add, Edit and Delete an Account.
2.2 How can I free up some space on my screen?
You can hide the toolbar and the Accounts view.
Please refer to How do I hide the toolbar? and How do I hide the Accounts view?
2.3 How do I hide the toolbar?
From the View menu choose Display Toolbar.
2.4 How do I hide the Accounts view?
From the View menu choose Display Accounts.
2.5 How do I switch between the Statements view and Transactions view for an account?
There are three ways:
2.6 How do I display parent category totals?
The summary button and detail button allow you to toggle between category view and parent category view.
2.7 How do I sort information?
Every table column in Home Credit Card Manager Lite can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column name in the header of the table. The current sort order is indicated by a small triangle next to the name.
2.8 How do I change the date format?
From the View menu choose Options....
2.9 How do I change the number of decimal places?
From the View menu choose Options.... You can enter a value from 0 to 9.
2.10 How do I change the decimal place character?
From the View menu choose Options.... You can enter any single character, for example: '.' or ','. If you do not want a decimal place character, then enter a space.
2.11 How do I change the thousands separator character?
From the View menu choose Options.... You can enter any single character, for example: '.' or ','. If you do not want a thousands separator character, then enter a space.
2.12 What is the "Shade Alternate Lines On Screens" user option?
This option turns on or off the light shading of every second line throughout Home Credit Card Manager Lite.
2.13 What is the "Open Last Workbook Start Up" user option?
This option will automatically open the last workbook you were working on, when you next start the application.
If the workbook is password protected, you will be prompted to enter the correct password before you can view the workbook.
2.14 What is the "Statements Displayed Newest To Oldest" user option?
This option allows you to select the order in which the application will display the Statements.
If you select the option, the newest Statements will appear at the top of all lists and the oldest will appear at the bottom.
2.15 What is the "Look and Feel" user option?
This option allows you to select the look and feel to be used by the application. If you change the setting, you must restart the application before the change will take place.
This user option was introduced because of substantial differences between the Mac and Windows' implementation of the look and feel, and the problems some of our Mac OS X users have been reporting.
The Mac version of this application now defaults to the Cross Platform (Java) look and feel, which works with most configurations. If you are running on a Mac you can change it to the Operating System look and feel, however please note that some of the screens and text may not display correctly (depending on your personal configuration).
The Windows, Linux version of this application defaults to the Operating System look and feel (as they did in previous versions).
3.1 What is an Account?
An account represents one of your credit card accounts. For each credit card you have that you wish to monitor through Home Credit Card Manager Lite you set up an account.
3.2 How do I add/edit/delete Accounts?
Either click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Accounts view toolbar, or right click in the accounts table to produce a pop-up menu and select Add, Edit or Delete.
3.3 What is a Statement?
A statement represents a statement you receive from you credit card provider. For each credit card statement you receive you set up a new statement in Home Credit Card Manager Lite.
3.4 How do I add/edit/delete Statements?
Either click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Statements view toolbar, or right click in the statements table to produce a pop-up menu and select Add, Edit or Delete.
3.5 What is the Statement Reporting Year?
The statement reporting year is used to group up statements in the yearly reports.
If a statement falls over a year-end period then you can use either year as the reporting year. For example, if a statement was from December 10 2007 to January 9 2008 then you could select 2007 or 2008 as the reporting year. The most important thing is to apply the same rule consistently from year to year.
3.6 What is a Transaction?
A transaction represents a new charge, payment or refund on your credit card statement. For each item on the credit card statement a transaction is created in Home Credit Card Manager Lite.
Refer to the importing transactions help topic for more information on creating transactions automatically.
3.7 How do I add/edit/delete Transactions?
Either click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Transactions view toolbar, or right click in the transactions table to produce a pop-up menu and select Add, Edit or Delete.
Note: The Add Transactions option will remain disabled until the account contains at least one statement.
3.8 How do I assign a Category to a transaction?
In the Transactions view, select a transaction and click on the category column. This will show a list of all valid categories to choose from.
All transactions that have not been assigned a category are highlighted with a border.
Refer to the category auto matching help topic for more information on automatically allocating categories to transactions.
3.9 How do I enter a New Charges transaction?
Any transaction created with a positive amount will automatically appear in the Statement New Charges column.
3.10 How do I enter a Payments/Refunds transaction?
Any transaction created with a negative amount will automatically appear in the Statement Payments/Refunds column.
4.1 What is a Parent Category?
A parent category is the highest level of grouping in Home Credit Card Manager Lite and is used to group categories.
Parent Categories should be set up to reflect the reporting comparisons that you require. Examples include: BILL, HOME, CAR, PERSONAL which can then be used to give you a total in each of these parent categories (by statements, by reporting year, etc).
A default set of parent categories is provided with Home Credit Card Manager Lite which you can change to suit your needs.
Any changes you make will be saved in your workbook along with your account information. This allows you to set up different category lists for different workbooks.
4.2 How do I add/edit/delete Parent Categories?
From the Category menu choose Maintain Parent Categories.
Click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Parent Categories view toolbar.
You can only delete parent categories that do not have any categories linked to them.
4.3 What is a Category?
A category is the lowest level of grouping, and is used to group transactions.
Each category must be linked to a parent category.
Categories should be set up to reflect the type of transactions that you have. For Example under the BILL parent category you may have categories: BILL - Electricity, BILL - Gas, BILL - Water Rates, etc.
Categories can easily be moved from one parent category to another. Refer to How do I change the Parent Category on a Category?
A default set of categories is provided with Home Credit Card Manager Lite which you can change to suit your needs.
Any changes you make will be saved in your workbook along with your account information. This allows you to set up different category lists for different workbooks.
4.4 How do I add/edit/delete Categories?
From the Category menu choose Maintain Categories.
Click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Categories view toolbar.
If you choose to delete a category that has been assigned to one or more transactions Home Credit Card Manager Lite will inform you how many transactions are linked to the Category. If you continue with the delete, then the transactions will have the category un-assigned from them and will go back to being un-matched. The transactions will not be deleted.
4.5 How do I change the Parent Category on a Category?
From the Category menu choose Maintain Categories.
Click on the parent category column and a list of valid parent categories will be displayed.
4.6 What is a Category Wildcard Pattern?
A category wildcard pattern is link between a category and a keyword in a transaction description.
A category wildcard pattern is made up of a criteria and a pattern.
The criteria can be "contains" or "does not contain"
The pattern can be any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, etc.
For example: "contains restaurant" and "does not contain abc123" are both valid wildcard patterns.
Refer to the category auto matching help topic for more information on the usage of category wildcard patterns.
4.7 How do I add/edit/delete Category Wildcard Patterns?
From the Category menu choose Maintain Categories.
Select the category you wish to maintain.
Click on the Add, Edit or Delete button in the Wildcards view toolbar.
A description of the wildcards that will be applied to a given category is provided on the screen.
4.8 How are Category Wildcard Patterns used?
Category Wildcard Patterns are used by the Category Auto-Matching tool.
Refer to the category auto matching help topic for more information on the usage of category wildcard patterns.
5.1 How do I provide feedback or request a new feature?
We enjoy reading all the feedback we receive, so tell us what you think ... both positive and negative ... and let your comments go into the mix that will help shape future versions of the products.
If you have a question, a suggestion, something you like, something you don't like, a request for a new feature or a general comment, please visit the support pages on our website to submit your comments.
5.2 How do I report a bug?
If you are having problems using Home Credit Card Manager Lite please visit the support pages on our website for all the latest help and support.